Working Mom-to-Be: 6 Tips for Working Full-Time During Pregnancy

With so many changes happening in your body, pregnancy can feel like a full-time job in itself. But what about your other job? You want to continue working full-time until maternity leave while feeling your best. We’re here to tell you that it’s possible! You can do this!

We talked to clients and doulas on the Doulas of Orange County team about how they’ve managed to continue working during their pregnancies and are sharing their top tips with you!

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1) Pack healthy snacks.

Snacking will keep your energy up and prevent nausea throughout the day. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and enjoy cut veggies, fruit, yogurt, smoothies, nuts and seeds, and other good for you snacks

2) Stay energized.

Growing a baby is exhausting. Healthy snacks and drinking plenty of water will go a long way towards helping you boost your energy throughout the workday. A brisk walk in the afternoon can get your blood pumping and help you feel upbeat. You may also use music, aromatherapy, or even mint chewing gum to stay energized at work.

3) Prioritize rest.

If you want to feel your best while working full time during pregnancy, you will need to make sleep and rest a priority. Go to bed earlier than you did before you became pregnant. Be sure to rest outside of work hours. When you are at work, it is more important than ever to take your breaks. Enjoy the time to yourself while you can!

4) Build stress management skills.

Pregnancy is a great time to build skills for stress management. The possibility of stress is only going to increase after you become a parent. See a therapist to learn new techniques, try prenatal yoga, meditate, enjoy some gentle physical activity each day. The more relaxed you are, the better you will manage the ups and downs of pregnancy while working.

5) Manage your schedule effectively.

Managing your schedule will reduce stress and help you be more efficient and productive at work. Do your best to schedule your doctor’s appointments and tests outside of work hours. If you can’t avoid missing a few hours of work here and there, do your best to avoid booking appointments on the same day as important meetings. 

6) Dress comfortably.

You don’t have to replace your entire wardrobe in the maternity section. We do suggest you pick up some key pieces designed to grow with you early in your pregnancy. Being comfortable and reducing frustration when getting dressed will help make working during pregnancy more pleasant.

Many people continue working throughout their pregnancy without a problem. Follow your maternity doctor’s guidance, and remember to put your wellbeing first. No career is more important than your health.