11 Safe + Effective Morning Sickness Remedies

The joy of discovering you’re pregnant can be quickly overshadowed by a constant need to bow down before the “porcelain gods” as soon as you get out of bed or every time you smell a neighbor cooking.

Morning sickness, which is rarely confined to mornings, can become the bane of your existence during the first trimester. It might have even been a little exciting at first, but now you need some relief. We’re sharing 11 of the most common, safe, and effective morning sickness remedies.

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1. The Pregnancy Starter Kit

Saltines and ginger ale. Often jokingly referred to as a Pregnancy Starter Kit. A little bit of flat ginger ale and some crackers at your bedside can make getting up in the morning a lot less nauseating.

2. Smaller meals, more frequently

You just might find you reduce your nausea by grazing throughout the day instead of trying to eat 3 larger meals. 

3. Preggie Pop Drops

With vitamins and a tart flavor to ease morning sickness, Preggie Pops and Preggie Pop Drops are ideal for stashing in your purse for emergencies. Find them on Amazon or at Target and Walmart locations throughout Orange County, CA.

4. Ginger

Depending on your palate you can try sipping ginger tea, eating candied ginger, or adding ginger to your cooking.

5. Tart juices and candy

Try sipping lemonade or eating sour candy, like IceBreakers Sours. I don’t know what it is about tart flavors that curb nausea, but they really work.

6. Eliminate stress

I know, easier said than done but studies have shown that pregnant women with higher levels of stress are more likely to experience morning sickness. Try relieving stress by talking with a therapist, practicing yoga, going to a meditation group, and taking time out for yourself.

7. Acupuncture

Acupuncture can be helpful for almost every pregnancy-related discomfort. Studies have shown acupuncture to be effective for nausea and vomiting, heartburn, hemorrhoids, joint pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Acupuncture can even be used to help start labor when your body is ready.  Dr. Soon Le at Plum Familee Acupuncture in Tustin can help you develop a care plan. 

8. Acupressure

Have you ever seen Sea-Bands? They’re these little wrist bands with a nodule on them that stimulate a specific pressure point to reduce nausea. They are not exactly bling, but they are effective for many people who experience motion sickness or pregnancy related nausea. 

9. Mint

Peppermint tea, sniffing peppermint essential oil, or chewing mint gum can all help with nausea.

10. Vitamin B6

There is some evidence that taking a B6 supplement can help with morning sickness. Talk to your maternity care provider or pharmacist about dosing.

11. Frozen treats

Ice chips, popsicles, and slushies can work wonders for stopping morning sickness in its tracks. 

Thankfully, most people only experience nausea and vomiting through the first trimester. Keep trying remedies until you find the right one for you and don’t be afraid to call it a day and get some rest if you can't shake the nausea. Sometimes, the best cure is rest, hydration, and some pampering.

If you’re having difficulty managing pregnancy induced nausea and vomiting or you are experiencing related weight loss, you might have more than your typical morning sickness. Talk to your Midwife or OBGYN about medical treatment options.

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