Orange County Doulas & Newborn Care Specialists

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BFN: Could I Still Be Pregnant?

The two-week wait is the worst!

When trying to conceive, many people spend the second half of their monthly cycle symptom spotting and hoping that this month will be the one! 

Nope! It’s not just you!

When Can Pregnancy Symptoms Start?

Some believe that it’s impossible to have pregnancy symptoms before a missed period and positive pregnancy test, but others disagree.

Many PMS symptoms are the same as early pregnancy symptoms, including:

  • Breast tenderness

  • Spotting

  • Moodiness

  • Fatigue

  • Nausea

  • Changes to your food preferences

  • Abdominal cramping

The similarities between PMS and early pregnancy can be very confusing. When becoming pregnant, some people notice unusual symptoms. Others do not experience any signs that they are pregnant until they miss their period.

How Soon Can I Take a Pregnancy Test?

Ideally, if you suspect that you are pregnant, you should wait until you have missed your period and then take a pregnancy test. If you are unsure when you last had a period or your cycles are irregular, test away!

Negative Pregnancy Tests

If you take a pregnancy test and the test is negative (BFN = big fat negative), wait a few days and test again. False negatives are possible if your body has not yet begun making enough hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), the hormone detected by pregnancy tests. 

First Response Early Response (known as FRER in chatrooms and Facebook groups) is the most sensitive pregnancy test. We recommend you use FRER to test if you cannot wait until you have missed your period. You might get a false negative, but generally, you can expect accurate results within five days of your missed period—test using first-morning urine for a more precise result.

What If My Period Is Late, But My Pregnancy Test Is Negative?

You can keep taking pregnancy tests if your period is late and you still haven’t gotten that BFP (big fat positive). In some cases, it can take longer to make enough hCG to get a positive result. Be sure to test with your first-morning urine.

Suppose you have other symptoms, including abdominal pain, unusual discharge, or you miss three or more periods. In that case, you should speak with your doctor.

What if my Pregnancy Test is Positive?

Congratulations! You’re pregnant! There is no need to test again, even if you do not experience pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness or tender breasts. False-positive pregnancy tests are very rare.

Every body and every pregnancy is unique. You do not have to miss your period to notice signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Your body is designed to respond to subtle changes in hormone levels. Many people will see a negative result on a pregnancy test before their BFP!