home preparation

Preparing for a Home Birth in Orange County: A Step-by-Step Guide

Preparing for a Home Birth in Orange County: A Step-by-Step Guide

Choosing to give birth at home is a deeply personal and empowering decision for many expectant parents. It offers a unique opportunity to welcome your child into the world in a familiar, comfortable, and intimate setting. However, planning a home birth requires intentional preparation in mind, body, and spirit, plus good organization to ensure a safe and positive experience. As a fellow homebirth mama, I've put together a step-by-step guide to help you prepare for your own home birth experience.

Breastfeeding Must Haves

Breastfeeding Must Haves

When it comes to breastfeeding all you need is your boob and your baby, right?

Well, sort of. Obviously the mother and the baby are the two most important factors in making this breastfeeding thing work but having other supplies on hand can vastly improve your experience. And while we believe that nursing your baby is one of the most natural acts in the world, we also recognize that it doesn't always come naturally. We've chatted about this very thing in a previous blog, but to recap, breastfeeding is a learned behavior, much like learning how to play the piano. You need certain components in place to start off on the right foot, but success takes time, patience, and practice.

Thankfully, with new product conveniences we have lots of tricks and tools that can enhance your breastfeeding experience, taking some of the stress away and providing you a greater opportunity to bond with and focus on your baby. Here are just a few of the "must haves" that we recommend.