Orange County doula

Preparing for a Home Birth in Orange County: A Step-by-Step Guide

Preparing for a Home Birth in Orange County: A Step-by-Step Guide

Choosing to give birth at home is a deeply personal and empowering decision for many expectant parents. It offers a unique opportunity to welcome your child into the world in a familiar, comfortable, and intimate setting. However, planning a home birth requires intentional preparation in mind, body, and spirit, plus good organization to ensure a safe and positive experience. As a fellow homebirth mama, I've put together a step-by-step guide to help you prepare for your own home birth experience.

Pregnancy Fun in Orange County

Pregnancy is an amazingly transformative time.

It isn’t always fun… morning sickness, anyone?

Pregnancy can sometimes mean you miss out on the exciting adventures your friends are having. No rollercoasters or skydiving for you!

But there are a few things that are only fun to do if you are pregnant!

Do you need a pick-me-up or want a list of things to do to make the most of your pregnancy? We’ve got lots of great ideas to keep you entertained through each trimester.

What You Need to Know About Starting a Business When Welcoming a New Baby

Being a mom or dad is a full-time job, and so is starting your own business! We know first hand how hard it can be hard to combine the two. Starting up work again after welcoming a new baby can be challenging when your attention, time, and heart are split! Luckily, there are plenty of resources to help make it easier on you. Today we’re sharing a few of those resource— from doulas in Orange County to business formation services — that you can already start looking into even before the baby arrives to make your life easier further down the road.

Working Mom-to-Be: 6 Tips for Working Full-Time During Pregnancy

With so many changes happening in your body, pregnancy can feel like a full-time job in itself. But what about your other job? You want to continue working full-time until maternity leave while feeling your best. We’re here to tell you that it’s possible! You can do this!

We talked to clients and doulas on the Doulas of Orange County team about how they’ve managed to continue working during their pregnancies and are sharing their top tips with you!

Is my Beauty Routine Safe for Pregnancy?

Looking fabulous is important.

You still want to be your flawless self throughout pregnancy, but it seems like every time you hit the salon, someone is asking you whether or not it’s safe. You find yourself lost on Google, looking up ingredients and second-guessing everything you picked up on that Sephora shopping spree.

So, are your beauty treatments pregnancy safe?